The publications,
which will take place in this page of internet, will have as goal to make
accessible to readers and researchers some biography and concrete positions of
some authors who have contributed so much in the theological debate and in the
journey of dialogue of the cultures, especially the ones of African origin (Afro-descendent).
The difference between this blog ( and the first
one ( is the focus. While the focus in the first one is
biblical and pastoral without scientific rigor, this present one is theological
and cultural with bibliographic demonstration (scientific rigor). The philosophy
that motivates all this work is just the African philosophy Ubuntu: “I am who I am because we are
together.” In this sense, I continue receiving support of the great friend and respectable theologian ThD Fr. Luis Carlos Susin (Brazil) for theological review and of the great friend teacher EdM Mary Kung'u (Kenya).
Afro-descendent come from
cultures profoundly religious, in which God experience guides all existence. They
accept divine revelation in their everyday lives and they answer to God who
reveals himself in a very creative way. Some theologians help us to reflect
upon this happening of divine revelation that takes place in the history and in
the innermost of each human being as a creating and saving action. Before the
Jewish particularism that closed at their limits all revelation and salvation
possibilities, the concrete experience of Jesus of Nazareth reveals that God
loves everyone as sons and daughters and “He wants all people should be saved.”
The Second Vatican
Council helped us to update this good news, recognizing in all
cultures and religions this
revelatory and salvific presence of God, challenging the whole Church
to a respectful approach, which is typical of who wants to listen more than to
talk. The encounter with black cultures was – initially
– dramatic, but the rediscovery of the Christian message with a liberating and
salvific content, it made possible a compromised engagement of the African
descendent contributing dynamically in the evangelization process.
The Liturgical-pastoral
action, attentive to enculturation demands, seeks to take into account the
values of these and other cultures, so that the mystery of Christ may be
expressed and celebrated fully and fruitfully. Thenceforth at living the
essential of Christian identity, we discover that we are called to dialogue
with those who profess a different faith from us and live in full pursuit of
truth like us, as it is the case of religions of African origin.
first indication of reading I have for you reader it is the marvellous document
of Second Vatican Council called Gaudium
Spes, especially the number 22, which says: “For by His incarnation the Son of God has united Himself in some way with every man.”
Author: Josuel Degaaxé dos Santos Boaventura PSDP - Fr Ndega
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